'Red Dead Redemption 2' Seemingly Takes Shot At President Trump And Jeff Sessions

It's well-known that Rockstar Games isn't afraid of a little controversy. And while it's mostly [...]

trump red dead

It's well-known that Rockstar Games isn't afraid of a little controversy. And while it's mostly only ever in it because of Grand Theft Auto and it's well-documented satire, it seemingly has snuck some things into Red Dead Redemption 2 that will certainly earn it equal amounts of praise and criticism.

Taking place in 1899, Red Dead Redemption 2 doesn't leave Rockstar Games much room to fill the game with satire of the modern day, but it did seemingly get some in there involving President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Both references are easy to miss and hidden away in the game's newspapers, but both seemingly take shot at the politicians in subtle fashion. The latter -- the one involving Jeff Sessions -- is the more obvious of the two.

red dead
(Photo: ResetEra)

Now, there's no way of saying this is without a doubt a shot at Jeff Sessions, but "Jefferson S. Eshions" sounds a lot like Jeff Sessions. A little bit too much like Sessions, some might say. That said, it could be a coincidence. But these type of things rarely are.

Meanwhile, the shot at Trump isn't as obvious, but it is also tucked away in a place only a few people will find it:

red dead trump
(Photo: ResetEra)

Again, this may not be a reference to Trump at all. But the fact it ropes the President and tariff policy into the same newspaper snippet, and how it is "isolating America," seems like no coincidence, but rather a pointed take on the Trump administration and how they've used tariffs.

When you consider Rockstar Games' history of satire and political and social commentary, the idea that they would have a take on Trump and Sessions in a 2018 game of its, wouldn't be very surprising.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Political commentary aside, it's being lofted as one of the greatest games not of just this year and not of just this generation, but of all-time.

At the moment, there is no word of a Nintendo Switch or PC port, but the latter has been leaking regularly.

For more news and coverage on the open-world western, click here.

Thanks, ResetEra.