
‘Anthem’ Beta Player Loses Entire EA Origin Game Library After Breaking NDA

There’s a very good reason why you want to honor any embargoes or non-disclosure agreements you […]

There’s a very good reason why you want to honor any embargoes or non-disclosure agreements you sign when it comes to playing a game — it could cost you more than you think if you break it in any way.

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Just ask the player who agreed to take part in a closed alpha for BioWare’s Anthem and signed a non-disclosure agreement, then decided to break it and stream a session on Twitch. As a result, he might have just lost his entire Origin game library.

Though the player wasn’t identified, a YouTube channel by the name of LiveFails shows what happened when he attempted to get on Twitch with Anthem. EA acted very quickly and shut down his Origin browser; and when he went to re-open it, all of his games were gone. You can see the video below. Though brief, it gets the point across very clearly.

There’s no word from either the player or Electronic Arts if the games are gone for good, but if an NDA was signed that meant cutting off the Origin account with any violation, it’s possible he may not get them back.

Anthem producer Mark Darrah made it very clear that a non-disclosure agreement for Anthem shouldn’t be broken as you can see in his tweet below.

It appears that neither EA nor BioWare want footage of Anthem going up in its current state, as it’s meant to help them make it better before release. That said, there should be nothing stopping players from streaming the forthcoming public demo when it comes out a few weeks in late February (or late January for select VIP players).

But, yeah, if you’re taking part in the Closed Alpha, make sure you honor your end of the bargain. These companies are not fooling around and it could very well cost you a game library. We’ll keep you updated on any further updates with this situation.

Anthem releases on February 22, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Origin PC.

(Hat tip to Gearnuke for the scoop!)