Apex Legends’ next client-side update will address some of the crashing problems PC players have faced, but Respawn Entertainment said it’s still got more work planned to fix other crashing problems.
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Crashes that kick Apex Legends players out of games and back to the lobby have been experienced across all platforms, though the console versions of the game have been improved with crash-fixing updates. The PC platform now plays host to the most issues that prevent people from playing but Respawn said it’s planning on addressing those problems in the next update. The developer also said it’ll be meeting with AMD just as it met with Nvidia to work on fixing the PC problems together.
“Next week AMD will be at the studio and just like we did with Nvidia visit, we’ll be working together to improve stability and performance on PC,” Respawn said in its most recent community check-in. “In the next client patch on PC we will be addressing some of the known crashes, but there will still be work to do as we haven’t nailed down all crashes yet. In Season 1 we’ll be adding improved reporting that should help us in identifying and squashing more PC crash issues.”
For any Nvidia users who are still experiencing issues, Respawn reminded players that there’s an update out for drivers that fixes some problems. However, players still commented within the thread to say they were encountering crashes occasionally even with the update.
“I’ve seen it shared here but in case anyone missed it, Nvidia has released a driver update for RTX users that have been experiencing the DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG crash specifically for GeForce RTX cards and we’re continuing to work with Nvidia to improve performance and stability,” Respawn said.
Respawn has said in the past that fixing crashes is a “big priority” for the developer.There’s no known release date yet for the client-side patch that’ll improve PC performance, but Season 1 is rumored to start this week, so perhaps it’ll be released around that time. The start of the season is also going to bring about some balance adjustments for different Legends’ hitboxes, though players shouldn’t get their hopes up for a reconnect feature anytime soon.
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