
Rainbow Six Siege’s Newest Operator Is Warden

Another Rainbow Six Siege Operator has been revealed, and this one goes by the name “Warden.” […]

Another Rainbow Six Siege Operator has been revealed, and this one goes by the name “Warden.” A former member of the U.S. Marines who currently serves in the Secret Service, Warden is the second Operator to be revealed for Year 4 Season 2. The Operator has a special pair of glasses that he uses as part of abilities that make him stand apart from other characters, and while we don’t yet know the full extent of their capabilities, Ubisoft said he’ll be able to see things other Operators can’t.

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Ubisoft revealed Warden just recently to be the second Operator of Operation Phantom Sight, the next set of content that’s coming in Season 2 of this year. Providing a brief background on the Operator, Ubisoft said Collinn “Warden” McKinley once saved the Secretary of State to safety amid a hostile attack which led him to create the gadget he’ll soon use to outmaneuver other Operators.

“The events of that day gave him the idea for his gadget’s prototype, the Glance Smart Glasses,” Ubisoft said about the Operator’s gadget. “They reflect the nature of his natural talent, to see what most cannot in order to gain the upper hand in any given situation. He would be just as talented without them, but with them, there’s nothing he can’t tackle.”

Warden will be a Defender in Rainbow Six Siege, but his full loadout hasn’t been revealed yet. We’ll see that soon though on May 19th when the Pro League Finals serves as the avenue in which the full details of Operation Phantom Sight will be revealed. A first look at the Operator was revealed in the character’s teaser trailer though which can be seen above.

Ubisoft’s Warden reveal makes him the second character to be announced in the past few days, the first of which was Nรธkk. Based on what we know about both of these Operators so far, it looks like previous leaks about the characters and their gadgets were accurate.