Halo Infinite Job Listing References Microtransactions, "AAA Social Experience"

A new job listing from 343 Industries sheds some interesting light on Halo Infinite, particularly [...]

A new job listing from 343 Industries sheds some interesting light on Halo Infinite, particularly the more live service aspects of the game, which haven't been detailed, but have been referenced in the past. For example, the new listing mentions "AAA social experience" and "AAA player investment experience," two things you don't exactly think of when you think of Master Chief and Halo. Meanwhile, the listing also makes note of microtransactions, something we've known are in the game since last year, though it remains to be seen how they will be implemented.

The new job listing is a for live design lead, and according to the listing, the "ideal candidate" comes packing "boundless imagination" and of course the ability and talents to help deliver an exceptional game. Further, 343 Industries specifically wants someone with a "great passion for games with social features, a desire to build a strong community, as well as a deep understanding of various bonuses models in both mobile and AAA games."

"You will oversee and provide vision for multiple facets of design and its implementation," adds the listing. "This includes: Progression, in- and out-of-game; player investment systems, and integration of our business plan throughout the game; and, finally, social and engagement features that encourage players to return again and again with their friends."

As alluded to earlier, the "responsibilities" of the position include designing and delivering both a "AAA social experience that fosters community" and a "AAA player investment experience that focuses on fans and their despise to express their passion for our franchise (including but not limited to microtransactions)." In other words, craft a system that capitalizes on someone's love for the franchise by making them spend more money. Because nothing says "I love Halo," like a sick Warthog skin.

Another responsibility listed is the ability to adapt to the changing business and community needs that come along with a being live service title. And here's where the language of the listing gets a little weird. In the "qualifications" section, 343 notes it wants someone with experience developing systems that engage players after they put down the controller. Okay, that's fine. But then it notes it wants said person to also have a "comprehensive understanding of player psychology and what drives them to return to an experience." A little weird.

Halo Infinite is in development for Xbox Scarlett, Xbox One, and PC. Barring any delay, it will release sometime holiday 2020. For more news, media, and information on the upcoming sci-fi shooter, click here.