New GTA 6 Screenshot Leaked, But Is It Real?

An alleged screenshot of GTA 6 has leaked, but Grand Theft Auto fans aren't sure if it's legit or [...]

An alleged screenshot of GTA 6 has leaked, but Grand Theft Auto fans aren't sure if it's legit or simply a modded version of GTA 5. Meanwhile, others think it's a heavily photoshopped image of real life Miami. Whatever the case, it has Grand Theft Auto fans talking. The image in question features what looks like the skyline of Miami. Beyond this, not many salient details can be seen due to the lighting of the screenshot. There's some palm trees, a pink sky, some birds flying, all things that point towards Vice City, the rumored location of GTA 6 that's based on real-life Miami. In other words, everything you'd expect from a fake screenshot of the game is present. But is it fake? Well, let's take a look.

The biggest thing working against the screenshot is how blurry and unrevealing it is. When a "leaked" photo of a game surfaces that is very conveniently blurry, it's usually a sign that it's fake. What also makes this odd is the official Rockstar Games watermark. This would suggest it's either an official screenshot or from the game's debut trailer. It's obviously not the former. Meanwhile, it doesn't look like it's the latter either. Why would there be such a dark and bloom-y shot in the Grand Theft Auto VI reveal trailer? Unless the photo was snagged from some type of slow transition, there's really no explanation.

Of course, there's also the matter of the source. This isn't a "leaked" screenshot from a reliable leaker or industry insider, but a random person on the Internet. Sometimes random people provide genuine leaks, but most of the time they provide nothing more than a pure load of bosh.

That said, below you can check out the alleged screenshot, and make the judgment for yourself:

An interesting pic making its way around twitter, some saying it matches the Miami skyline others saying it’s gta V modded.. from r/GTA6

Of course, this screenshot should be taken with a massive grain of salt. The reality is, it's almost certainly a fake. But even if it's real, who knows what it could be from. It could be pulled from an old build of the game for all we know.

At the moment of publishing, Rockstar Games hasn't commented on the leak or confirmed that GTA 6 is in development. While the former is never going to happen, the latter seems like a forgone conclusion. That said, while you wait for an official announcement, be sure to catch up on all the latest rumors and leaks about the rumored game by clicking right here.