Epic Games Store Full List of Free Holiday Games Potentially Leaked

12/20/2020 07:32 pm EST

The Epic Games Store is still in the midst of its ongoing holiday promotion where it plans to give out one free game per day through the end of 2020. Despite not announcing what each day's free title will be until the day it specifically goes up for download, it seems as though we might now have an idea of what the publisher has in store.

Spotted over on Twitter, what looks to be a full list of the games that will be available on the Epic Games Store to close out 2020 has become available. The list was shared by Twitter user @jovanmunja who says that the list was sent to them out of the blue. While it's uncertain where this information came from, the tweet itself is over two days old at this point in time and the current schedule lines up with one has already come to be.

Assuming that the list does end up breaking down in this manner, here is what will be available over the next few days along with the date in which it will be free.

Obviously, take all of this with the usual grain of salt for the moment, but for now, this seems like it could prove to be accurate. The only potential snag here is that some of the above games listed currently aren't present on the Epic Games Store at all. That said, Epic has added new titles in the past that weren't previously available on the marketplace and has made them free right away, so there is a precedent for this to transpire.

Either way, you can continue following all of our coverage related to the Epic Games Store right here if you'd like to stay in the loop with everything associated with the digital storefront.

How do you feel about this list overall? Is there anything not on here that you wish was? Shoot me a message over on Twitter at @MooreMan12 to let me know, or leave a comment down below.

[H/T GamesRadar]

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