Nintendo Gamescom Plans Include Super Mario Party, New Gameplay Videos

08/01/2018 04:20 pm EDT

While Super Smash Bros. Ultimate appears to be getting a great deal of focus from Nintendo as of late (and rightfully so), it hasn't forgotten about the other big hit it announced at E3 back in June, Super Mario Party. And it appears that it's going to get some major focus in just a few short weeks at the company's Gamescom event.

Nintendo confirmed its plans today, saying that the Germany-based event will be the first opportunity for attendees to get their hands on the forthcoming party game, along with other forthcoming Nintendo Switch titles. Those that are interested can get tickets here.

Along with Party, the following games will be on hand over the course of the event. Of course, Ultimate is included:

Meanwhile, for those of you that won't be at the event, you won't be left out in the cold. Nintendo has announced that it will be updating its YouTube channel with a number of featured gameplay clips from these games, including a closer look at the mini-games included in Super Mario Party. Not only that, but it'll also feature footage from other upcoming titles, including the Torna: The Golden Country expansion for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Daemon X Machina, the mech game that was also introduced during the Nintendo Direct E3.

We don't know about any Twitch livestreams just yet, so YouTube appears to be the main place to be when it comes to all things Nintendo at the event. We'll see what the company has to show off in just a few days' time.

We're likely to see more of Super Mario Party beyond the show as well. This includes even more videos and some possible multiplayer action, to give you an idea of how well it'll work on the platform and with Nintendo's forthcoming online service. Fingers crossed that it'll be a party that's well worth attending!

Here's a quick feature list for Super Mario Party in case you missed it:

Super Mario Party releases on the Nintendo Switch on October 5.

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