PewDiePie Responds to His Email Address Being Leaked

05/21/2020 07:41 pm EDT

Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg has responded to his personal email address being leaked in his latest YouTube video. The YouTube star has been streaming quite a bit lately, and for the most part it's been going quite well. The streams, as expected, have been drawing in a massive audience, and the Youtuber has seemingly been enjoying himself and the fan interaction that comes with streaming.

That said, during a recent stream, PewDiePie accidentally leaked not just one email address, but two while messing around with his Activision account with fellow YouTuber CinnamonToastKen. As you would expect, PewDiePie wasn't very happy once he realized the mistake that had been made.

"Oh, no," said PewDiePie as he realized his email had just been shown on his live stream in front of thousands and thousands of viewers. "It f*****g just shared my email. I'm done. I'm f*****g done. Why would it show that? I don't need to know it."

Not long after this, PewDiePie accidentally revealed the new alternative email he was using on stream, rendering it useless as well. Thankfully, according to the YouTuber, this was simply a throwaway one, which allowed PewDiePie to laugh at the mistake, which, unlike the first one, was entirely his fault.

Of course, as a result of his email being leaked, the YouTube star will likely need to use a different email going forward. This isn't the end of the world, but as PewDiePie noted, it will require some busy work letting all of his colleagues and business partners know about the switch.

Of course, the streaming moment quickly spread around the Internet and was memorialized as a million and one memes, some of which featured on the YouTuber's latest episode of Meme Review, dubbed "Leaking My Email Address."

That said, despite the massive inconvenience and security headache the moment caused, PewDiePie doesn't seem too upset. In fact, he used it as an opportunity to make fun of himself.

"Yeah, first it was the game's fault, and then it was just my fault. Because I'm smart like that. Check out my live stream guys, to see what else I'm going to mess up. It's inevitable at this point."

PewDiePie continued:

"Yeah, maybe this live streaming thing wasn't such a good idea. "I am such an idiot. I can't help it. I'm just born and raised dumb. Very dumb."

For more coverage on PewDiePie, and everything related to the YouTube star, click here.

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