Alexa and Google Assistant May Soon Be Coming to Xbox One

Google Assistant and Alexa are coming to the Xbox One in the near-future, according to a new [...]


Google Assistant and Alexa are coming to the Xbox One in the near-future, according to a new report from Windows Central.

According to the outlet, there is merit to the multiple rumors that have been surfacing over the past few months saying that Alexa support is coming to the Microsoft console. However, Alexa won't be alone, and will also be accompanied by Google Assistant.

Evidence of the feature implementation comes from a new screen-grab from a "reliable source" who is said to be familiar with Amazon and Microsoft's efforts to link Cortana and Alexa.

And apparently the pair are making great progress, with upcoming Xbox One builds being tooted to be a roll out. Both will appear in the Kinect & Devices menu, which will have a new "Digital Assistants" sections, where you can enable Cortana, Google Assistant, and Alexa for use on your Xbox One or Xbox One X.

From here it will apparently direct you to install the Xbox skills app, where each respective platform can be connected.

The aforementioned source fails to divulge what type of features will be paired with the assistants, or in other words, how extensive the support will be. However, the obvious conclusion is it will bring back many of the voice-assisted features that the Kinect (remember that thing?) offered.

As Windows Central notes, plans can always change, but it expects an official announcement soon. As always, all reports and rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, however, this one seems pretty solid.

This doesn't seem like an E3 reveal, so I wouldn't expect any announcement about it then. Though who knows these days with Microsoft's pressers.

These type of partnerships are interesting to see, especially as Sony -- and especially Nintendo -- fail to strike similar ones. With Cortana in the picture and Kinect out of it, this type of crossover seems like an obvious matching. Will it be enough to push units? Probably not, but it's another exclusive feature on Xbox One's increasingly growing list of features, and another example of Microsoft's approach to blending gaming and entertainment.

Here's to hoping we will soon be able to pre-order some rad exclusives via Alexa.