Apex Legends "A Legend Falls" Hunt: How to Play, Rewards, and Recap

Another Hunt is available in Apex Legends this week with the second part of the Season 5 story [...]

Another Hunt is available in Apex Legends this week with the second part of the Season 5 story released for players to try so long as they've met the requirements. Continuing the secretive, dramatic themes from the first Hunt and the story that accompanied it, this latest one called "A Legend Falls" sees more developments with Loba and her purpose for organizing the Legends under one cause as well a noteworthy event befalling one of the characters. As was the case with the last Hunt, there's also a reward for those who have enough Treasure Packs and complete the mission if you're more into that than you are the story.

To take part in this mission and get the rewards, you'll need to have enough Treasure Packs by now. You'll know if you do since there's an annoying bug right now that causes a notification about your story progress to pop up after every match once you've unlocked the second Hunt, but you can always check the "Quest" section to see how you're doing on progress if nothing else.

Once you've got that taken care of, you'll be able to participate in the Hunt and earn the rewards. Below we'll break down how to do the quest as well as the rewards you'll get from it with a recap at the end of where we are now in the story. Spoilers obviously exist below, so avoid them if you'd prefer to see what happens for yourself.

How to Start "A Legend Falls" Hunt

To start this second Hunt, you'll need to have at least 10 Treasure Packs. That means you've played at least 10 days since Season 5 went live and found a Treasure Pack each time since you can only get one a day. If you haven't found enough, you can always spend 25 Apex Coins to purchase Treasure Pack progress and move up to the tier where you unlock the Hunt.

Once you've unlocked it, head to the Quest section of the main menu next to the "Battle Pass" option. You'll see the Hunt called "A Legend Falls" next in line on that screen if you've completed the first mission. Select it, invite your friends, and you're good to go.

"A Legend Falls" Rewards

You'll get three rewards for completing this week's Hunt. Two of them are story-based while the other is a weapon charm that you can use on any gun.

  • Ruby Weapon Charm (Epic)
  • Artifact Piece – Occipital Hub
  • Story – "The Detached Chaperone"

"A Legend Falls" Recap

This week's Hunt is more serious than the last. After choosing your Legend from a restricted selection of characters, you're dropped into King's Canyon After Dark with some kitted out Triple Takes. Snipe a few Prowlers to clear the way, deal with the ones that come to fight you, and load up before descending down from The Cage.

You can explore the area if you want, but you'll have to eventually head to the objective where you'll find a downed Wattson. You'd think you could revive her no problem, but she disappears, replaced by her Death Box. You may be wondering then what implications this event has for the Season 5 story, but we'll find out more about that later.

From there, the Hunt is more similar to last week's Prowlers are on the prowl and must be defeated while you loot for better gear like gold weapons, the coveted Peacekeepr, and more. Deploy a drill to dig up an Artifact, get to the ship for evac, and get out of there to complete the mission.

"The Detached Chaperone" Recap

Completing this mission will take you right into the text-based story called "The Detached Chaperone." It picks up where the first story left off with Octane going on a date to gather information.

Wraith finds out from listening in on the date that Loba has been interested in some sort of source code found in the warehouse under what was formerly Skull Town, a fact players already knew based on other cinematics released prior to Season 5.

The date's cut short once Mirage interrupts again with news that the latest mission was completed, but Wattson went down in the process. The Legends converse about what happened and the source code is brought up to Loba who looks alarmed. Loba tries to move past what happened to Wattson until she's slammed against the wall by Caustic who threatens what'll happen to her should Wattson not fully recover.

The story concludes with Wraith and the others realizing that Revenant, the only Legend not part of their entourage that they've been keeping secrets from, was above them the whole time listening in. Closing with an ominous message about being on the worst path possible, the narrative ended there until the next story called "The Liberated Narc" continues the events of "The Broken Ghost."

To make sure you're ready for that Hunt when it releases next week, keep looking for Treasure Packs in Apex Legends so that you have at least 15 when the next Hunt is available.