
Apex Legends Streamer Nickmercs Says Season 15 Legend Catalyst Is “Horrible”


Apex Legends has a new Legend, Catalyst, but Twitch streamer Nickmercs isn’t a fan of the new character so far. He spent some time playing as the new Legend after Season 15 got underway this week but has since deemed her “horrible” while pointing out some complications with her kit that reflect some of the comments other Apex Legends players have made recently about Catalyst’s supposed shortcomings.

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In one of his recent Twitch streams, Nickmercs was asked about Catalyst as all streamers typically are whenever something new comes to a game like Apex. Players asked if the streamer had had a chance to try her out, and Nickmercs responded by slamming the character’s abilities and saying that she’s in some ways actually detrimental to her own team.

“She’s horrible, man,” Nickmercs said in a Twitch clip pulled from the stream. “The Ult, like it screws over your teammates too. And then the Q is harder to hit than people think. So it’s cool that it does damage and it slows them, but it’s harder to place. And then her Passive with the doors … I feel like it’s only good if you’re playing [competitive].”

He went on to say that perhaps the Passive was good in ranked but ultimately decided the ability was probably “horrible” there, too. He said perhaps Catalyst could end up having a role in the competitive environment, but as it stands, it was difficult to imagine what Legend Catalyst would replace since people typically have their go-tos already lined up.

The Ultimate Catalyst uses, the big wall, has been one of the pain points players have had regarding the Legend’s release. While one of the trailers for Catalyst certainly made it seem as though Seer’s Ultimate ability would be blocked by the wall, players are apparently able to see enemies right through it so long as a Seer has his Ult out. Catalyst was in part framed as a counter to Seer thanks to her wall, but if neither team can see through the wall and the opponents have a Seer while Catalyst’s team doesn’t, Nickmercs is somewhat right in the criticism that the wall actually puts Catalyst’s team at a disadvantage.

Catalyst is still quite new in Apex, however, so Nickmercs and others will adjust their opinions based on how the new meta settles and depending on what changes, if any, are made.