
These Concept ‘Apex Legends’ Nike Designs Are Made for Legends

Gaming-inspired tennis shoes are nothing new – PlayStation really seems to be in on this trend – […]

Gaming-inspired tennis shoes are nothing new – PlayStation really seems to be in on this trend – and with Apex Legends proving to be a Legend-ary title, it was only a matter of time before ever the two shall meet.

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Though the below mock-ups aren’t official, they are absolutely incredible! Whether you’re a Pathfinder main, or prefer to go the Bloodhound route, the below concept art is beyond incredible and we’re going to need these Nikes STAT:

The artist also shared a video of the process behind the creation and really, can we just start throwing our money at the screen now or nah?

We weren’t the only ones impressed and it looks like some more official details could be on the way:

As a Wraith main, I wouldn’t mind seeing this line extend even further but for now – the two shared above are beyond sick. Or maybe even a Mirage because that would just be perfect given that shoes come in pairs and … well, you know.

As for the game itself, Apex Legends from Respawn continues to be a huge hit with millions of players currently enjoying the free-to-play title on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Even better, it looks like we’ve got tons of exciting new content on the way from new characters, maps, and even new game modes! You can catch up on all of the latest and greatest in Apex Legends news right here with our Game Hub.

You can also sound off with all of those delicious battle royale thoughts in the comment section below, or hit me up over on Twitter @DirtyEffinHippy!