
Apex Legends Developer Teases Unexpected Season 9 Content

While Apex Legends from Respawn Entertainment might be in the middle of Season 7 – The Ascension, […]

While Apex Legends from Respawn Entertainment might be in the middle of Season 7 – The Ascension, the developers are obviously hard at work on what comes next for the popular video game, and that includes whatever Season 8 and Season 9 might hold. As for what, exactly, those seasons might entail, Apex Legends game director Chad Grenier has teased some seriously unexpected content.

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As part of a larger interview with IGN featuring several developers on the game, Grenier spoke about Season 7 and the plans for the upcoming seasons. While he didn’t get into specifics, exactly, it’s clear that he was excited to even tease what the developers having coming down the pipeline — especially for Season 9.

“Oh man, there is so much good stuff coming. I personally would love to just talk about all of it, because I’m so excited,” Grenier says near the end of the interview. “Season 8 is shaping up to be amazing, it’s just great. And, you know, almost entirely done working from home. Season 9, not gonna lie, also going to be great […] Season 9 you’re going to see some major things that you did not expect. So, it’s just a really exciting time right now. I think despite all the working from home challenges we’ve hit a stride, and we’ve figured a lot of the things out of how to work together and how to build great content, and there’s no shortage of great ideas in our studio and a lot of those have just come to life in really amazing ways.”

Apex Legends is currently available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC and is in the midst of Season 7 – Ascension. There’s no telling when, exactly, Season 9 might kick off given that there’s still a whole unrevealed season between now and then. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the popular video game right here.

What do you think of what we have heard about Apex Legends‘ upcoming seasons? Are you excited for whatever Respawn Entertainment has in store? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!