'Control' Devs Discuss How They Are Approaching Side Missions

Remedy Entertainment may be best known for the likes of the Alan Wake or Max Payne series, but it [...]

Remedy Entertainment may be best known for the likes of the Alan Wake or Max Payne series, but it looks like they are taking a different approach with the upcoming title Control. While their previous video games have followed more of a linear path when it comes to the missions featured in their adventures, the devs are looking to provide a more well-rounded experience through side missions and the sort in Control. According to director Mikael Kasurinen, the development team is hoping to accomplish a more complex adventure for players to enjoy.

During a recent interview with Game Informer, the Control director touched on what they are trying to achieve with the upcoming game. "Here, we have shifted our goal, so we want to go for more complex scenarios, more different abilities, and you choose the way that you want to fight," Kasurinen said. "It means that the combination of what abilities you have, how you have upgraded them, and what weapon mods and character mods you have actually affects the way you should fight your way through the scenarios."

Control narrative lead Brooke Maggs chimed in, speaking about the side missions featured in the game. "The side missions are some of my favorite because they color the world in a different way because you actually get to see some of that," she said. "They fold into the narrative by introducing you more to the NPCs you discover along the way.

"So when you meet Helen Marshall [in the main story missions], you do later get to do a side mission that's a personal favor for her, and then you find out more about her role at the Bureau and what she does and how she heads up specialist teams that takes care of a lot of these paranatural events as they happen."

Kasurinen added that a lot of the Objects of Power, which will grant Jesse abilities throughout the story, can be found in the side missions rather than the main storyline. "If the player, for instance, doesn't get the Shield then what does that mean for combat," he asks. "It might make certain fights really tough later on because it's optional. You don't have to go and get the Shield if you don't want to."

It's safe to say that the experience players will encounter in Control will be fairly different than previous Remedy titles, especially without a strictly linear tale to tell. Either way, it should be a good time for all when Control arrives on August 27th for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. For more on the upcoming game:

Control is Jesse Faden's story. The main plot focuses on her personal search for answers as she grows into the role of the Director. The world of Control has its own story, as do the allies Jesse meets along the way. Side-quests and Secrets are everywhere. Jesse works with other Bureau agents, decodes cryptic ciphers and discovers strange Bureau experiments.

  • World Within a Location: Explore diverse environments and shifting architecture in a deep unpredictable world, set within a sprawling New York building.
  • Flexible and Supernatural Combat System: Define your playstyle by integrating supernatural abilities, upgrades, and modifiable loadouts.
  • Reactive Enviorments: Harness dynamic environmental destruction for exciting combat possibilities and master complex rituals to alter your surroundings.
  • Reality Meets the Unexplainable: Dive into a dark and brutalist-inspired world where daily reality has been corrupted by an otherworldly force.


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