Destiny 2 Teaser Confirms Reveal Date for Next Chapter

Another Destiny 2 teaser dropped this week to hint at the future of the game and, more [...]

Another Destiny 2 teaser dropped this week to hint at the future of the game and, more importantly, confirmed when we'll finally know more about what's planned for the game's next expansion. Bungie shared a 15-second video on Wednesday saying "The future of Destiny 2 arrives" wherein we see a ship piloted by the Drifter on its way to Europa. It's a short video, but it's one of the best looks at the plans that we've gotten yet, and it tells players when they should expect to hear more. The next chapter of Destiny 2 will be revealed on June 9th at 9 a.m. PDT, Bungie said.

You can see the teaser below to take from it what you will about Destiny 2's next steps. It doesn't offer much to go off of, so while the full implications aren't known, it does clear up some questions players have had before when all these teasers first started appearing.

Included in the teaser is a link to Bungie's Destiny 2 site that's been set up ahead of the reveal. That's basically a dead end for now, but that's changing soon when the full look at the game's next chapter is revealed. You can sign up for email updates on the status of Destiny 2's reveal and can download a calendar reminder for when to tune in, but it nothing else, just make sure you're around for the June 9th reveal if you want to see what's happening next.

The Destiny 2 community may recall that this date for the reveal was known beforehand, but it apparently wasn't supposed to be that way. A teaser shared through the game's other social media accounts pointed to a June 9th reveal but was removed not long afterwards after it apparently went up too early, so if this date looks familiar, you may have caught that before it was removed.

As we've seen with recent and upcoming events, however, there's a chance this Destiny 2 reveal may not happen on June 9th as planned. Widespread unrest and protests in the United States in response to the death of George Floyd and other Black individuals at the hands of law enforcement agencies have prompted many companies to postpone their events until later dates. Sony has done so along with CD Projekt Red, so there's reason to believe things could change still.