New Dragon Age 4 Tease Has Fans Excited

BioWare has provided a new update on Dragon Age 4, and while it doesn't provide any information about a release date or when the next trailer is going to be revealed, it does have fans excited. The update -- which also has information on the next Mass Effect game as well -- features Maciej Kurowski John Epler, the latter of which is the creative director on the game while the former is the game's technical director. In other words, they are two leads on the game and they seem bullish about the potential of what they are working on.

While speaking about the game, Maciej teased that it's "shaping up to be something amazing." A similar sentiment was echoed by Epler, who suggests fans are going to love what the team has been cooking up.

"There's something special about Dragon Age, and there's something equally special about the Dragon Age community," said Epler. "The cosplay, the theory-crafting, the streams, the fanfic-so much of it is genuinely incredible. You all humble us daily, and I can't wait until we're able to start sharing more. I think you're going to love it."

To an extent, this is standard dev speak, which is to say, directors on games aren't going to bad mouth the games they are working on before release. That said, what this does show is that BioWare is bullish it has, as Maciej puts, "something amazing," which is good news for fans of the series who have been hearing for years reports about the game's troubled development. And it's had a very troubling development. It's gone through several leadership changes and it should have been out by now. Typically, when a game goes through these types of development issues, it doesn't come out the other side very great, and it might not, but Epler and Maciej don't seem to be too worried about this. 

Unfortunately, and as noted, the update has zero salient details about the game. We still don't know what platforms it's in development for or when it's aiming to release. What we do know about the game, you can catch up on by clicking here. In the most recent and related news, a new patent from EA could mean big things for the new Dragon Age game.