
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Reveals Fixes for Microtransactions, Frame Rate, and More

Capcom has a lot of changes on the way for DD2.

Capcom released Dragon’s Dogma 2 last week, and reception has been somewhat mixed. Dragon’s Dogma 2 released to very positive reviews, but a lot of fans are unhappy with the current state of the game. Thankfully, the developers plan on implementing a number of changes “in the near future.” On the game’s official Twitter account, a list of planned changes and updates has been shared, revealing exactly what’s to come. These changes seem to address several complaints players have had. Full patch notes can be found below:ย 

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Updates for All Platforms (PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Steam)

  • Adding the option to start a new game when save data already exists.
  • Changing the number of “Art of Metamorphosis” items available at Pawns Guilds in the game to 99.
  • Making the quest that allows players to acquire their own dwelling (where they can save and rest) available earlier in the game.
  • Miscellaneous text display fixes.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes.ย 

Updates for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S

  • Adding the option* to switch Motion Blur on/off in Options.
  • Adding the option* to switch Ray Tracing on/off in Options.ย 
  • Adding the option to set Frame Rate to either Variable or Max 30fps in Options

*These options will not affect the frame rate significantly. Frame rate improvements are planned for future updates.ย 

Updates for Steam

  • Improving quality when DLSS Super Resolution is enabled.ย 
  • Fixing an issue where models appear low-quality under some specific settings.ย 

Reception to Dragon’s Dogma 2ย Changes

So far, reception to this announcement has been very positive on social media. While fans seem pretty happy about all of them, the change to Art of Metamorphosis might be the one that’s most anticipated; microtransactions have been a big source of controversy surrounding the game, and have resulted in its Steam score taking a big hit. Making Art of Metamorphosis easier to obtain in the game is a huge win, and players already seem to be relieved by this change. Of course, the frame rate improvements are also a very big deal, though the language in Capcom’s Tweet seems to imply that fans could be waiting a bit.ย 

Capcom says that its plans for these updates is to “release them as soon as they are ready for distribution on each platform.” As such, we could see some of these changes sooner than others, though it’ll likely take longer for some of the biggest ones. For those that bought Dragon’s Dogma 2 on day one, that’s sure to be irritating; in fact, some players are already hammering Capcom for not pushing the game’s release date back. For now, players that are waiting until the game is in a better overall place might want to hold off a little bit longer.ย 

How do you feel about these proposed changes to Dragon’s Dogma 2? Do you think the game should have been delayed? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter atย @Marcdachampย or on Instagram atย @Dachampgaming!