Play as an Otter Person in 'Dungeons & Dragons'

A new Dungeons & Dragons supplement provides a new playable race of anthropomorphized otters. [...]

A new Dungeons & Dragons supplement provides a new playable race of anthropomorphized otters. Nathanael Roux released a new supplement on the DMs Guild about his new Lutrinian race, a race of otter people who live near large bodies of water. Whether making their home on floating city ships or building walled cities on the coast, the lutrinians are most comfortable when living close to sea or rivers. In addition to being excellent fishers and natural swimmers, lutrinians are also born tricksters...which make them natural rogues or bards. Because they often find themselves in trouble, many lutrinians create an alter ego that they assume while committing crime or participating in dangerous activities.

A player that creates a lutrinian character gets a bonus to Dexterity and has a natural swimming speed of 30 feet. Players can also pick from two subraces - the more territorial river lutrinian or the normadic sea lutrinian that offers different benefits. The supplement also provides some additional feats that grant lutrinian players additional swimming checks or gives them extra benefits for using slings, tridents, and spears in general.

Not only is the lutrinian a great race for players that love otters (and really, who doesn't love otters?), this new race may also be handy when playing through the adventures found in the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons book Ghosts of Saltmarsh. The next D&D book will contain seven nautical-themed adventures, and having a built-in swimming speed might give players some extra advantages when exploring underwater.

The Lutrinian supplement is available on the DMs Guild for $1.00.


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