
Fallout 76 Players Can Get Twice as Much Gold This Weekend

Fallout 76 is having another one of its recurring weekend events where players can get more of a […]

Fallout 76 is having another one of its recurring weekend events where players can get more of a certain resource than usual, and this weekend, it’s all about gold. The event live right now until May 3rd is aptly called the “Gold Rush” event since it gives players the chance to obtain twice as many Gold Bullions as normal. You still have to put in some effort to get the extra resources, but the opportunity is at least there for the next couple of days.

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Like events before it, Fallout 76 players aren’t just receiving Gold Bullions for free this weekend. Instead, Bethesda has temporarily doubled the cap on how many Gold Bullions players can earn in a day. The amount is typically capped at 200 and resets after a day has nearly passed, but for the duration of the event, the cap’s been raised to 400.

“You may want to check your couch cushions and the pockets in your winter coat for any long-lost Treasury Notes this weekend, because we’re kicking off a new Gold Rush,” Bethesda said about this weekend’s event. “For the next few days, Gold Press Machines at The Crater and Foundation will be resupplied with twice the usual amount of Gold Bullion, which means you can claim up to 400 per day by turning in your stack of Treasury Notes. Check out the exact start and end times below, exchange your Notes, and then visit your favorite Gold Bullion Vendors to add some more rewards to your collection.”

So if you’ve got an excess of Treasury Notes lying around, now’s the time to offload them instead of only being able to use 20 of them a day. These Treasury Notes which grant 10 Gold Bullions each come from completing quests and similar activities, so if you’re running low, this weekend’s also the one to collect some more of those.

The event taking place this weekend means that Fallout 76 is right in line with where its event roadmap for Season 4 said it would be. The Gold Rush event is the first one to go live in Season 4 since the season just recently started, but there’s more to come next weekend and during the weeks after as well.