Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Director Reveals the Game's Ending Location

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will end with "the greatest fate" in the game.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is the second in a trilogy retelling the events in one of the most beloved video games ever made. Because Square Enix is breaking the game into three parts, a lot of fans familiar with the original Final Fantasy VII are understandably curious where the PS5 game will end. In an interview posted to the PlayStation Blog, Final Fantasy VII creative director Tetsuya Nomura was asked just that. Nomura was quick to note that some locations will be visited in a different order, but Rebirth will end in one of the most memorable locations from Final Fantasy VII.

"We have mentioned this a few times before, but the order in which you can explore the locations is not the same as the original Final Fantasy VII, and there are some shifts in the order," said Nomura. "For example, Wutai, one of the major locations, is not part of the route in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and will be visited in the next one. Although there are some changes in the order of the locations, the locations depicted in this title extend up to 'The Forgotten Capital,' where the greatest fate of Final Fantasy VII awaits you."

The Greatest Fate of Final Fantasy VII


For those that have never played the original Final Fantasy VII, The Forgotten Capital is one of the most famous locations from the game. It's the place where Sephiroth impaled Aerith (named Aeris in the original English release), killing her. The sequence is a shocking one, and it has stuck with gamers for more than 25 years. That moment would be a fitting way to leave things off before the finale, so it makes a lot of sense that The Forgotten Capital will be the last location players see in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

That said, it remains to be seen whether Aerith will actually die in the Final Fantasy remake trilogy. It's hard to imagine Square Enix undoing the character's death, but the company has already offered several hints that things might play out differently than they did in the original game. Zack Fair's presence at the end of the game is already one big hint; it seems the character will have a major role to play in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, despite the fact that Zack died prior to the events of the original Final Fantasy VII. While Aerith's death would make a logical end point for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, her survival might also make sense, setting the stage for whatever conclusion Nomura and the team have in mind.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Release Date

Whatever Square Enix has planned, Final Fantasy fans won't have to wait too much longer to find out. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is slated to release February 29, 2024. The game will be a timed exclusive on PlayStation 5.

Do you think Aerith will die in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? Are you looking forward to the next game in the series? Share your thoughts with me directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp or on Instagram at @Dachampgaming!