While several main characters from Final Fantasy VII Remake previously had Play Arts Kai action figures revealed like Cloud, Tifa, Barret, and Aerith, it looks like the line isn’t done yet as new figures for Sephiroth, Rude, and Reno have since been revealed as well. The Play Arts Kai line of action figures are particularly notable for their articulation and holding poses well, which means you can create little dioramas out of the characters fairly easily. Sephiroth, Rude, and Reno are now available to pre-order, and we’ve included a bunch of product shots and details below!
Videos by ComicBook.com
Notably absent from the line so far are fellow Turk Tseng (among others) and Red XIII. One assumes that, if Square Enix continues to add to the Play Arts Kai line, they will be revealed sooner or later. Given that Red XIII is a wildly different sort of model rather than the traditional humanoid one, it wouldn’t be all that surprising if he were the last to be given the same treatment.
Have you had a chance to check out Final Fantasy VII Remake? Does any of the merchandise interest you? Let us know in the comments, or hit me up directly on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk all things gaming!
Here’s how Square Enix describes Final Fantasy VII Remake on its official website:
“The world has fallen under the control of the Shinra Electric Power Company, a shadowy corporation controlling the planet’s very life force as mako energy.
“In the sprawling city of Midgar, an anti-Shinra organization calling themselves Avalanche have stepped up their resistance. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite SOLDIER unit now turned mercenary, lends his aid to the group, unaware of the epic consequences that await him.”
Keep reading to check out some photos and product details for the Final Fantasy VII Remake Play Arts Kai figures! They are scheduled to release in early 2021, and are available to pre-order here. Final Fantasy VII Remake is now available for PlayStation 4. It’s currently unclear exactly how many games the Final Fantasy VII Remake will be comprised of, as it’s known that it will be releasing in distinct chunks. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the title right here.
Sephiroth Standing

You can check out the product description for the Sephiroth figure below:
“Sephiroth, the legendary SOLDIER First Class from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE joins the fray as a PLAY ARTS KAI action figure!
“Our designers have painstakingly recreated all the fine details you can see in the character from FFVII REMAKE โ from his enigmatic expression, his slender but brawny figure, to all the other intricate decorations. His silver hair utilizes a translucent piece and is articulated as well; making it possible for dynamic posing.
“Accessories include his trusty Masamune sword, an additional head piece with his eyes closed, and interchangeable hands, for a total of six additional pieces.
“This exceptional figure shows off the powerful presence of an infamous war hero and enigmatic villain.”
Figure Size: W 5.8″ x D 2.1″ x H 11.1″, includes display stand
Sephiroth is available to pre-order here, and is set to release in March 2021.
Sephiroth Action

Sephiroth Accessories

Rude Standing

You can check out the product description for the Rude figure below:
“From FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, Rude, a member of the elite Shinra squad called the Turks, makes an appearance as a PLAY ARTS KAI figure!
“Our designers have painstakingly recreated all the fine details, including his martial artist physique, the texture of his gloves, and subtle decorations like his earrings and chains. His signature sunglasses use translucent pieces that allow you to see his expression underneath the lens. No effort was spared to bring out a sense of realism.ย
“Additionally, there is an alternate head piece without his sunglasses and various interchangeable hand pieces, which allow for a wide range of versatility when you pose this figure.”
Figure Size: W 3.3″ x D 1.4″ x H 10.9″, including display stand
Rude is available to pre-order here, and is set to release in February 2021.
Rude Action

Rude Accessories

Reno Standing

You can check out the product description for the Reno figure below:
“From FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE, Reno, a member of the elite Shinra squad called the Turks, makes an appearance as a PLAY ARTS KAI figure! His slim silhouette, the suit he casually wears, and his eye-catching red hair are some of the delicate details that were faithfully recreated in this figure.
“Reno comes with his weapon of choice, a baton, various interchangeable hand pieces, and two additional head pieces that feature different facial expressions.
“This figure encapsulates Reno’s capricious and elusive presence, just like in the game.”
Figure Size: W 3.1″ x D 1.4″ x H 10.9″, includes display stand
Reno is available to pre-order here, and is set to release in January 2021.
Reno Action

Reno Accessories