
Fortnite Chapter 2 Halloween Skins, Cosmetics Leak

New Fortnite skins, as they often do, have leaked ahead of their release to show players what Epic […]

New Fortnite skins, as they often do, have leaked ahead of their release to show players what Epic Games has in store for them during the game’s Halloween festivities. Some of these new skins will look familiar to players who’ve been around for a while and are joined with other cosmetics like back blings, pickaxes, and gliders. The new Fortnite skins are also capitalizing on the varying styles introduced in Chapter 2 to give different looks to the same type of skin.

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Epic Games has already begun unveiling some of these Halloween-themed Fortnite skins and other cosmetics through its official Twitter account, so it’s expected that the rest of them will be released throughout October. Before they’re unveiled though, a trio of Fortnite leakers by the names of PXLPAT_YT, xkleinmikex, and HYPEX.

You can see a ton of those new skins and different styles for the outfits below in a series of tweets that preview what’s to come. More skins other than these may be on the way, so this shouldn’t be taken as an exhaustive list of what’s coming. There’s no indication of when these skins will be released exactly, but expect them to arrive at some point.

Wrath Styles

Big Mouth


New Raptor Style

Chaos Agent

Skull Trooper Styles



Dino Styles

Braniac Styles

Ghoul Trooper Styles