Fortnite Drum Gun Vaulted

The latest update for Fortnite has arrived and as is the case with most patches, Epic Games giveth [...]

The latest update for Fortnite has arrived and as is the case with most patches, Epic Games giveth and Epic Games taketh away. In this instance, we say hello to the Suppressed Assault Rifle and goodbye to the Drum Gun.

The Drum Gun was a hybrid weapon that combined the stopping power of a rifle with the suppressive ability and impressive fire rate of a standard SMG. The gun was a hit or miss with the community as a whole and it seems that Epic Games has decided that it's the latest weapon to see the Vault.

Press "F" to pay respects.

But it's not all bad! The Suppressed Assault Rifle looks to be powerful and an easy weapon to pickup for newcomers into the game. For more about the newly added weapon:

Suppressed Assault Rifle Added.

  • Sneaky weapon that rewards trigger discipline with precision.
  • Can be found in Vending Machines, floor loot, Treasure Chests, and Supply Drops.
    • Available in Epic and Legendary Variants.
      • 32/33 damage per shot.

That latest patch, v5.40, is now live and you can check out what else is new right here! Though this update was much smaller than previous weeks, we know that Season 5 is coming to a close and the studio is busy making sure it goes out with a bang to ring in Season 6!

To catch up on all things Fortnite, including tracking the mysterious Cube's movements and the mighty return of the Power Chord outfit pack, you can check out our community hub for the game right here. It's everything you need to stay in the know for all things Battle Royale and Save the World. Plus with the new season on the horizon, it's going to be your best source of information for what's new - and what's returning - for the record-breaking game.

Fortnite is now available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and select Android devices. What do you think about the vaulting of the Drum Gun? Smart move? Sound off with your thoughts on the latest update and more in the comment section below and tell us all about it!