
Fortnite Now Supports Large Parties of Players

Fortnite players who frequent the game’s larger modes where bigger teams are supported can now […]

Fortnite players who frequent the game’s larger modes where bigger teams are supported can now bring their teammates together in a much larger party that’ll hold more players. Epic Games announced on Tuesday that the game’s party system had been updated to now support 16 players instead of the usual restriction of four that’s found in normal game modes. The expansion also applies to Creative mode to allow big parties to explore different creations together.

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The change won’t do anything to help those who play solo or stick to the game modes with teams of four or less, but for those who have enough friends to fill out a party, you can now get way more players together in one match. Large game modes like Team Rumble, Food Fight, and any of the 50v50 variations are fair game for this change. Perhaps Epic Games is gearing up for another game mode in line with these to be released in the future since the change has now been implemented.

Aside from just being a benefit for players who have the means to fill out these parties, the change will also have a big effect on those who don’t party up this way. Imagine joining into one of these larger game modes with your typical four-person squad of players and seeing a wave of 16 somewhat organized opponents building their way towards you. We’re also preparing ourselves for the inevitable waves of 16 players doing synchronized emotes at the same time or pulling off other choreographed moves.

Fortnite’s expanded party feature should now be live on all platforms.


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