Get ready for a unique Fortnite event! Many of you are already aware that a giant missile sits, ready to take off, in a secret lair on the Fortnite Battle Royale map. Well, we just learned through an in-game update that the missile will be lifting off tomorrow!
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“Get in-match on Saturday by 10:30am PT / 1:30pm ET / 7:30pm CET and look to the sky. It only happens once!” The notification would be somewhat ambiguous as to what’s actually happening if it wasn’t for that ominous black and red skull logo. That’s the same skull we’ve been seeing on televisions across the map, and we have a pretty good idea what it’s forecasting.
In the secret villain’s lair west of Snobby Shores, you can see what is clearly a launch area with a deadly missile primed and ready to go. If you’re planning on landing in-game to see this bad boy take off, then we would recommend hanging out somewhere close to Snobby Shores. The area is typically pretty dead (which is why I love to land there), but after this announcement we’re sure that it’s going to see a surge in popularity. Just try not to die before the missile launches!
This is very likely leading up to the season 5 theme and setup. Season 4 began with apocalyptic themes and the promise of impending doom as well. Remember when everyone thought that a giant meteor was going to take out Tilted Towers? Well, now we have to worry about a giant freaking rocket pummeling into them and changing the map for a few weeks. The team at EPIC expressed that they want to keep the map changing and evolving over time, so no location is safe.
With a new threat comes new superheroes, so you can expect a lot of really cool new skins and outfits to appear soon. One of them is available in the item shop right now, and if it’s any indication, then the season 5 outfits are going to be incredible. We have a few leaked images already, which you can check out here.
Don’t miss it, guys. EPIC is promising that this missile launch will happen live, and happen once. I expect servers to crash, but if they don’t, we could be in for a serious light show.