Fortnite Streamer Pulls Off Incredible Shopping Cart Snipe

A Fornite streamer has shown off the power of the Shopping Cart by busting out a game-winning [...]

A Fornite streamer has shown off the power of the Shopping Cart by busting out a game-winning snipe while flying through the air after being launched from a ramp.

The kill isn't one that you'll see often, but it's definitely one that players have tried to pull off since the new item was added. You never get to see the ones that don't work out, but a streamer by the name of Justin – Jmoe161 on Twitch and Twitter – ended one of his games with the in-flight snipe thanks to the help of the Shopping Cart and a squad mate who propelled him down the ramp. Justin shared his clip on Twitter that shows just how large the ramp was that the two launched themselves off of before sniping the last remaining player.

Justin's viewer count has no doubt gone up since posting the video seeing how many people have already watched the clip. His game-winning replay has already been retweeted nearly 11,000 times with just under 25,000 likes, so he hopefully gained a few more followers that day. He shared a link to his Twitch account as well for anyone who wants to check out more of these kills. The Twitch page has more details on the streamer as well such as his schedule and background. He also gave credit to his streaming partner who pushed him down the ramp, a streamer who goes by the name Major Gaming (@Grant_TTV).

All of the kills like these were made possible by the recent addition of the Shopping Carts that made their way into the game with a recent update. This item is the first example of a vehicle that's been added to the game, an item that speeds up players' movement and lets them get around the map faster. You can ride them solo or with a squad mate, but you can still pull off kills similar to Justin's even when you're by yourself if you're quick enough to hop on the cart. We got to see some of that just after the Shopping Carts were first released and players started posting their clips of funny or intense Shopping Cart-fueled kills.

Unlike some of the other items that have been added to Fortnite, the Shopping Carts appear to be permanent unless Epic Games makes a snap decision to pull them out. This means that you can look forward to seeing more kills like this in the future, but watch out for the Shopping Cart snipers that'll be in all your games after seeing clips like these.