
Fortnite Survey Shows Off Tons of New Skins

A new Fortnite survey shares a peek at some possible skins.

Epic Games routinely sends out Fortnite surveys to players to gauge interest in new kinds of ideas, and sometimes, those ideas deal directly with skins and and other cosmetics that Epic Games may release in the future. Another one of those surveys just went out, and from that, we can see a tons of new concepts Epic Games has been toying around with when it comes to new Fortnite skins.

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As is the case with most of these surveys, some of the skins are totally new while others are remixed versions of older skins that are returning in a different way. Take the one in the second spot in the second row within the image shared by Fortnite insider ShiinaBR below. The Black Knight skin is one of the rarest and most coveted cosmetics in Fortnite since it was only available very early on in the game’s lifespan, so even though the original is unobtainable now, Epic Games has continued to iterate on it to imagine what alternatives to the Black Knight might look like. This one is a much more horror-focused skin with the torso turned into a gaping mouth with jagged teeth.

Other interesting concepts like a mothman, some Halloween cosmetics, and otherworldly skins, but there’s always a caveat or two when it comes to these sorts of surveys. For one, we don’t actually know if these skins will ever actually release since the whole point of these surveys is that Epic Games is seeing what players like and don’t like, so even if you’re big on one particular skin, we may never see it. There’s also no telling when these skins will release (assuming they do), though some like the Halloweenish skins are a bit easier to narrow down timeframes for than others.

There’s also the question of whether these skins will be ones added straight to the store for players to purchase or if they’ll be incorporated into a battle pass or event at some point. Every season in a Chapter has its own battle pass, of course, but now that the OG mode is out, there’s even more room for skins like these to be added to Fortnite.