Fortnite Week 2 Summer Skirmish Now Live

Though week one of the Fortnite Summer Skirmishes was met with disaster, Epic Games took all of [...]

Though week one of the Fortnite Summer Skirmishes was met with disaster, Epic Games took all of the issues that went wrong and applied it to this new week. Because of that, the studio has announced when Week 2 will go live for a chance to win 8 million dollars over the course of eight weeks!

According to a recent blog post from the team, "The player with the highest score after 10 Solo matches will be named the winner. Victory Royales and Eliminations in this competition will be scored to determine placement at the end of the event. The top 20 players at the end of the Week 2 Summer Skirmish will be awarded."

How it will be scored is important, so this is what you need to know:

  • Victory Royales: +5 points
  • Eliminations: +1 point
  • 20 or more eliminations (per game): +10 Points and $10,000

That's a lot of dough on the line, but you know - no pressure! To check the weekly standings, you can see live updates right here while also watching the livestream itself over on Epic Games' Twitch channel.

Earlier this week the studio opened up about what went wrong with Week 1, while talking about what the event itself was meant to mean. "It represented the first time we've been able to bring together a high concentration of some of Fortnite's most talented players and community creators all in one game. We experienced many pain points from a server performance standpoint and feel we under delivered for the premiere of online competition in Fortnite. While we often run tests to learn how the servers will perform, having significant prizes on the line changed gameplay behavior significantly. In addition, since we chose to highlight the streams of players in the event, most players stayed in the game to spectate after they were eliminated. The combination of these two things led to a gameplay experience that was much worse than we expected."

Week 2 will be more about tracking the public server format and making sure that all competitor interactions are closely tracked. They also mentioned that Private Match play is slated for Week 3, but let's make it through this week first!

The action begins on Friday at 5 PM ET and Saturday at 1 PM ET. To learn more, check out the full blog post here.