Fortnite players have noticed something suspicious going on with the meteor in Dusty Divot that suggests something is hidden inside the intergalactic rock.
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If you’re too busy trying to survive out there in Fortnite, you may not have had time to swing by the Dusty Divot and check out the meteor. But for those who have, you might’ve noticed that there’s definitely something that’s been embedded in the rock. A couple of slight changes to the map shipped with Patch 4.2 today, and one of those changes has already been recognized by watchful players.
Within the game’s Battle Royale subreddit, one Fortnite player shared the news of Dusty Divot’s secret with some images as proof. In the images below, you’ll see that something that appears to be metallic rests inside of the meteor. Holes that have been drilled into the sides of the rock show what’s inside, a grayish material with what appear to be metal bars lining the item that’s inside.

While players raced to figure out what the deal was with the meteor, one Redditor had a possible answer for what’s going on. Redditor and Fortnite player DramaLlamaNite said that he believes it’s actually a space capsule inside, not an egg or robot as others had suggested.
“I don’t think we’re dealing with eggs, or robots or dinosaurs or whatever. I think that’s a space capsule something has climbed inside,” the Redditor said. “It’s actually burning the meteor away from it. Presumably eventually there’ll just be the canister left, then the next week it’ll be open and there’ll be a hole in the wall or something.”
The Redditor also shared his own video today that give a different perspective of the meteor. It’s easy to see why some might believe that the object might be a robot of some sort, but one of the prevailing theories is that this has something to do with the Blockbuster skin. The Redditor who uploaded the video below also referenced a past theory that suggested the meteor held “Alpha” inside, a counterpart to the “Omega” character that was revealed during this season.
There hasn’t been any official confirmation on what’s inside the rock, but Epic Games tends to be pretty secretive with the teasers while letting players do all the theory-crafting. What’s inside the rock remains to be seen, but with more details being revealed over the past few weeks, expect to see more changes in the future.