Friday the 13th: The Game Is Fixing Rubber Banding in Next Patch

With the big engine update now out for Friday the 13th: The Game, one of the next patches that’s [...]

Friday the 13th the game engine update
(Photo: Gun Media)

With the big engine update now out for Friday the 13th: The Game, one of the next patches that's coming quite soon looks to fix the rubber banding issue that's affected vehicles for so long.

The rubber banding problem when driving the car is one that Friday the 13th: The Game players will known all too well when trying to escape. As soon as you hop in the two-seater or four-seater and start making your way towards the exit, there's a chance that rubber banding will occur and slingshot your car backwards and forwards. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, it's usually caused by latency problems and makes the vehicles move backwards and forwards in a jerking motion. It's a problem that's especially difficult to deal with when trying to avoid running into trees, not to mention having to worry about Jason Morphing in front of you.

But come time for the next patch that Gun Media says "should be going live early next week," this problem will hopefully be fixed for good. Gun Media community lead Daniel "Shifty Samurai" Nixon explained on Reddit in a patch preview post what the rubber banding issue was and how they hope to correct it in the next patch.

"This was another high priority issue for us," Nixon said regarding the frustrating bug. "There are two Rubber-banding bugs that have been a problem over this past year. The first is the bug that appeared after the December patch and is a different issue than the one that is currently in the live build. While we had fixed the first Rubber-banding bug during our work for the May patch, the engine upgrade had also consequently created a new Rubber-banding issue. Both of these issues are very different, but look nearly identical to players. This has understandably caused a lot of confusion. We have made a fix for this newest rubber-banding bug and we hope that this upcoming patch will resolve the Rubber-banding issue once and for all."

Along the same vein of fixing car issues, there will also be a fix that makes it so that Jason can't punt cars across the map thanks to a bug. Emotes will also loop in the next patch as well, so you can BM your teammates or Jason all you want without having to reselect the emote.

The full patch preview can be read through the links above, but look for the official patch notes later in the week when the update goes live.