
Friday The 13th: The Game Still Has A Serious Problem With Team Killing

To say the reaction to Friday the 13th: The Game has been mixed would be a pretty serious […]

To say the reaction to Friday the 13th: The Game has been mixed would be a pretty serious understatement. The game was essentially unplayable at launch, gutted by server issues and a myriad of bugs, and some, like myself, didn’t find the game all that fun even when it did work. That said, others have latched onto the game and will defend it passionately to anybody who will listen.

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Well, even the most dedicated Friday the 13th players are beginning to admit the game has a big problem โ€“ team killing. That is to say, counselors killing each other instead of waiting for Jason to do it. The makers of Friday the 13th introduced tough point penalties for doing it back in June, but those punishments have lost their teeth as an increasing number of dedicated players reach the game’s level 50 cap. At that point, the game no longer offers you much to do, and XP no longer means anything, so why not mess with your fellow players? Redditor Solid Snake7 aptly summed up the mentality of a lot of team killersโ€ฆ

“I reached a point where the only thing left to unlock were counselor skins. XP and rank meant nothing to me anymore. The game gets really stale after doing the same thing every time. Teamkilling adds a new level of excitement. I needed another way to make it fun — unfortunately it would be at the expense of others.”

With more complaints about Friday the 13th team killing popping up on Reddit and other forums daily, it’s clear Gun Media and developer IllFonic need to do something about the issue. I mean, yeah, I suppose it’s weirdly fitting for counselors stuck in this endless cycle of death to turn on one another, but you don’t want your online game to completely devolve into a lawless dystopia.

The makers of Friday the 13th have said they’re not interested in banning teamkillers, but they may need to reconsider. They could also solve the problem in a more positive way by adding more maps, modes, and other content to keep the game from feeling stale. Hopefully IllFonic moving onto a new development project ends up being a non-issue (as they’ve promised), and new stuff, like the long-promised single-player mode, arrive soon.

Friday the 13th: The Game is currently available for PC, Xbox One, and PS4, and a physical release is slated for October 13. Yes, that’s a Friday. You can check out WWG’s blood-soaked coverage of the game, right here.

[via Kotaku]