Friday the 13th: The Game recently revealed that a new Jason from Part IV is coming to hack up Counselors soon, and it’s been confirmed that he’s bringing a pretty sadistic weapon with him to do the job.
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While the other versions of Jason use machetes, axes, and improvised spears to do their dirty work, the Jason from Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter will use a weapon that was popularized in an iconic kitchen kill. The next Jason has been confirmed to use a pig splitter, a sizable tool that’ll instead be splitting Counselors’ heads.
News of Jason’s next weapon was first reported in a YouTube video uploaded by Slash ‘N Cast when the group received an exclusive look at the new weapon from Gun Media’s Wes Keltner. The video shown above that discusses the new weapon also showed several different angles of the pig splitter sent over by Keltner, a long-handled weapon with a deadly blade at the end.

With a new weapon to carve up Counselors, Part IV Jason’s going to need his own set of unique finishers to fill up his kill wheel when taking out his prey. Like the other Jasons, this new one will ship with a couple of special kills that use his pig splitter to its full potential, but what exactly those kills will be like hasn’t yet been revealed.
However, fans of the movies will likely remember one possible kill that Part IV Jason will have. It’s probably a safe bet that one of his kills will come from the scene in the fourth movie where he used the pig splitter on Crispin Glover while Glover searched through the kitchen for a corkscrew. You can check out the scene in question yourself to get an idea of what it might look like in-game to take a pig splitter to the face, a death that’s definitely not pretty.
Beyond that idea, the rest of Jason’s kills and all of his perks are still unknown. It’s been suggested that one of his disadvantages might be breaking down doors since the weapon is a less appropriate tool for the action as opposed to other Jasons, but that remains to be seen.
There’s no release date for the new Jason and his corresponding map, but they’re both expected to be free upon release.