FTC Appeals Ruling in Microsoft Activision Case

The FTC is appealing the ruling in the case that has allowed Microsoft to acquire Activision. At the start of 2022, Microsoft announced it was making a bid to buy Activision for just shy of $70 billion. The move would allow Microsoft to take complete ownership of Call of Duty, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Crash Bandicoot, and a number of other big franchises as well as all of the studios that make them. It was heavily scrutinized by regulators, gamers, and Sony in particular and resulted in over a year's worth of legal drama which largely culminated in the FTC making a move to block Microsoft from acquiring the company via a lawsuit.

After tons of drama, a judge ruled in favor of Microsoft and gave the FTC until this Friday to decide if it would appeal the verdict. With that said, it seemed pretty clear the FTC didn't stand a chance as it was noted the government branch had spent a lot of its argument defending Sony more than consumers and the deal would actual be more beneficial to gamers and those who paly Call of Duyy. With that said, the FTC has chosen to appeal. As of right now, the regulator needs Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to issue an emergency stay to extend the existing temporary restraining order that expires on July 14th. Whether that will happen or not remains to be seen. Microsoft has issued a statement on the matter.

"The District Court's ruling makes crystal clear that this acquisition is good for both competition and consumers," Brad Smith, Microsoft's vice chair and president, said in a statement to The Verge. "We're disappointed that the FTC is continuing to pursue what has become a demonstrably weak case, and we will oppose further efforts to delay the ability to move forward." 

Even if this happens, it seems likely it would just drag things out rather than kill the deal outright. Only time will tell what will happen, but if things are given the all clear, Microsoft can close the deal as soon as next week.

What do you think of Microsoft's acquisition of Activision? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @Cade_Onder.