
WATCH: God of War Tips Directly From the Game’s Director

God of War is out now for PlayStation 4 and it is absolutely living up to its hype. With perfect […]

God of War is out now for PlayStation 4 and it is absolutely living up to its hype. With perfect review scores at hundreds, thousands, of sites, many were worried that perhaps when the title went live it just wouldn’t stack up. Thankfully, that couldn’t be further from the truth as more and more gamers are pouring their love and support for the latest God of War as it makes history for the PS4 platform.

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Because of the record-breaking numbers, the game’s director Cory Barlog thought that gamers might like a few tips – direct from the source. Because of that, he and Sony paired up to release the video above: 5 Gameplay Tips for God of War.

Though there is nothing outwardly spoiler-y about the above video (no major narrative points given), this still does go in-depth about the game’s mechanics and overall progression. Be warned that these topics are seen in both the video and below – last chance to turn back!

Tip 1 – Battlefield Awareness

The mechanics in this game have come a long way since the first title, and the combat aspects have been completely changed. Because of this, Barlog does tell players to pay special attention to their surroundings so that the appropriate combat choices can be made. There’s a lot going on, and the game is more challenging than most, so awareness is definitely key.

Tip 2 – Use the Leviathan Axe for Crowd Control

This is pretty straightforward but you’d be surprised how many players forget to call their axe back. The thing is badass, USE IT!

Tip 3 – Stun Enemies With Atreus

Kratos’ son is much more than a simple companion, and so much more than an escort mission. He’s intelligent, and incredible character, and quite useful in battle as well. Don’t forget to let him open up enemies for you while building up the stun. A stunned enemy is a vulnerable enemy and that’s definitely something that will help you survive.

Tip 4 – Spartan Rage

Called the “get out of jail free card” of combat, this super powerful mode that Kratos can build up to makes it incredibly easy to build stun, increase help, and build up an impenetrable offense.

Tip 5 – Evade

Again, straightforward. Being the hero is fun, but there’s NO shame in a good dodge.

God of War is available now exclusively for PlayStation. We say this completely unsponsored: This game IS WORTH BUYING A PLAYSTATION FOR.