Halo Infinite Ranked Playlist Removes Divisive Map

Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries revealed this week that Behemoth CTF has been removed from ranked playlists. According to a new post from the Halo Waypoint forums, "the map is not performing in ranked as intended." The developer went into specific detail about why the map is being removed, and ways it will look to improve the overall experience. Essentially, the problems boil down to both spawning issues on the map, and "a lack of viable cover opportunities." 343 Industries hopes to get these issues resolved, so that players can start to enjoy the map more when it does appear.

"Spawning on the perimeter of the bases with a direct line of sight to the flag stand, in addition to BR 75 starts, is creating a more frenetic match pace than desired. This leaves players feeling that even a well-coordinated team push into the enemy base can fall apart quickly; resulting in flag pulls being much more difficult than they should be," the post reads. "Similarly, players seem to be respawning in places that can often feel unpredictable and therefore frustrating to deal with. This goes for both attacking and defending teams."

While the plan is to bring Behemoth CTF back to ranked matches at some point, 343 Industries doesn't plan on doing so unless it is confident it can improve the situation. Replies to the post seem mostly positive, with many pointing out their frustration with Behemoth CTF. However, other players seem unhappy that the game is removing content, as opposed to adding more. Obviously, there's a lot of difficulty that comes with finding the right balance and being able to keep players invested, but it's good to see 343 Industries listening to feedback and looking for ways to improve Halo Infinite.

Halo Infinite is available now on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. Readers can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Were you enjoying the Behemoth CTF map in Halo Infinite's ranked playlists? Are you happy with the decision to remove the map? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!