Haunted Chocolatier Confirms Fan-Favorite Stardew Valley Feature

After selling 15 million copies of Stardew Valley and counting, lone-wolf developer Eric "Concerned Ape" Barone is a very rich man. That said, he's not resting on this massive success. Back in October, Barone announced his next game, Haunted Chocolatier, which looks and sounds similar to Stardew Valley. To this end, Barone's next game isn't just boring the visual style of Stardew Valley, it's borrowing some of its core features.  During a recent interview, Barone confirmed that a fan-favorite feature from Stardew Valley is returning in Haunted Chocolatier, though it may be with some changes. More specifically, Barone has confirmed there will be a dating and relationships system in Haunted Chocolatier, but again, it sounds like it won't be a copy and paste job. 

"Yes, there will be relationships like in Stardew Valley," said Barone when asked about dating in the game. "I haven't decided exactly how the system will work, yet. And I expect to approach some things differently this time around."

Right now, there's no word when we will hear more about or see more of the game, so we don't know when we will have more details on how relationships will work in the game and what differences are being made. That said, and as always, we will keep you updated as the details do come in. 

Haunted Chocolatier is in active development. There's currently no word of platforms a release date or even a release window. Below, you can read more about the title, courtesy of an official blurb:

"ConcernedApe's Haunted Chocolatier is an RPG / simulation game, currently in development. In this game, you will play as a chocolatier living in a haunted castle. In order to thrive in your new role, you will have to gather rare ingredients, make delicious chocolates, and sell them in a chocolate shop."

As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ to talk all things gaming. What changes, if any, do you want to see Barone make to the relationships system in Stadrew Valley for Haunted Chocolatier?

H/T, VGKami.