Hitman 3: Here's How Long It Takes to Beat

IO Interactive's Hitman 3 is now available, and reviews have been fairly kind, thus far. However, [...]

IO Interactive's Hitman 3 is now available, and reviews have been fairly kind, thus far. However, length can often play a factor in a gamer's decision whether or not to purchase a game, and for those looking to find out that information, we can report that Hitman 3's campaign takes about eight hours to complete. It should be mentioned that this is on a single playthrough of each of the game's missions. Like previous Hitman games, there are multiple incentives to revisit Hitman 3's levels after they've been completed, so most players will likely stick with the game much longer than that amount of time.

Hitman 3 offers a new feature in the form of its persistent shortcut system. During a player's first run through a level, new pathways will be opened up that can be exploited once the level has been completed for the first time. For example, Agent 47 might unlock a step ladder the first time players visit a level, allowing them to go down it on that run. On subsequent attempts, however, that ladder will already be down, opening up a new path for players to dispatch the targets found in that area. Checking out these shortcuts is just one of the ways that players will be able to extend the amount of time that they spend with Hitman 3.

It's always interesting to see how gamers perceive the value associated with time. For some, a game's length is a major factor in the decision-making process; after all, the $60-70 asking price for a game at launch can be a bit of an investment. However, for others, length doesn't matter, as long as the quality is there. The quality certainly seems to be intact for Hitman 3, but players that aren't interested in revisiting stages might not be as interested in checking out the game. There's no right answer, so fans will just have to decide for themselves!

Hitman 3 is now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the game right here.

Do you plan on checking out Hitman 3? Does a game's length play a factor in your decision whether or not to buy it? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about all things gaming!