Black Manta has finally joined the Injustice 2 roster. Obviously we were excited to go hands-on and start learning all of his combos, but we were also excited to see all of the incredible gear that NetherRealm Studios designed.
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Unlocking fantastic gear is one of the greatest parts about playing and leveling up a fighter in Injustice 2, and a ton of great loadouts have appeared on Reddit. You’ll start off with some pretty basic threads, but before long, you’ll start seeing stuff like this:

What the heck is going on here?! That helmet reminds us of Kurt from MDK. I wonder if there were any influence there? If you’re into the sci-fi angle, you’re really going to love this next getup. Check out this obscenely detailed helmet:

Look at all of those red lights! His visor looks like the string of brake lights across the back of a new BMW SUV. With these next two designs, we move from sci-fi to villain territory.
Black Manta’s Boss Mode

This design looks like a final boss. This Black Manta getup wouldn’t be out of place in the final showdown of an epic Square Enix RPG or horror film. The red shader definitely has a lot to do with it, but we also can’t get over those freaking tubes. What is he hiding in there? That’s way too much girth to be a simple airflow solution. I’m thinking that’s where he stores his lunch.
Then we have what I call the hammer-head:

This design is a little more subtle, but still really cool.ย The next two designs take things in a very, very different direction. We’re going gold, and we’re going ass-out!
Turn A Golden Cheek
All right, before we get to the NSFW Manta butts, let’s take a moment to appreciate just how cool the golden tournament shader can look when you have the right gear equipped:

This is the type of Black Manta I’ve wanted to see since launch. This looks like a character with a serious ax to grind; someone who is aiming to take out Aquaman and usurp the Atlantean throne. Can you picture that dude sitting on the literal throne with a twisted-looking trident in hand? I think it suits him.
Now for the strange part. Multiple users on Reddit have noticed that Black Manta’s golden shader, when paired with certain armor, makes him appear to be wearing assless chaps. See for yourself:

Look. At that. Butt. We know that Black Manta is canonically a person of color, so this really doesn’t even make sense, but look at that and tell me that it doesn’t straight-up look like a butt hanging out and staring you in the face. Best Black Manta loadout or worst? You decide.