New details have been revealed for an upcoming comedy series called Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet. The show comes from the minds of the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stars Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, and Megan Ganz, and it made an appearance in an unlikely spot during Ubisoft’s E3 press conference. McElhenney took the stage to talk about the new show that follows the development of a game that carries the same name as the show. McElhenney stars as a creative director named Ian Grimm.
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McElhenney said the show will follow the development of the game as the studio prepares to release its first big expansion. Ubisoft’s site offers more details on the topic and how the big game studio is involved with the TV show.
“Today at Ubisoft’s E3 2019 Press Conference, the creative minds behind one of television’s longest-running comedies, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, showed off a teaser for Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet, Ubisoft Film and Television’s first live-action comedy series, produced in partnership with Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, 3 Arts Entertainment and Lionsgate Television,” Ubisoft said about the show. “Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet was created by Sunny veterans Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, and Megan Ganz.”
Mythic Quest vous dรฉvoile les dessous d’un studio de dรฉveloppement de jeux vidรฉo, dans une comรฉdie qui explore les conditions humaines.
๐ Plus d’informations prochainement
โ Ubisoft FR #UbiE3 (@UbisoftFR) June 10, 2019
Ubisoft didn’t reveal any more information than the brief teaser and the details above, but more info is said to be coming soon.
Other reveals that took place during the big Ubisoft conference included the first of several trailers for a new game called Watch Dogs Legion. It’s a title that drops players in London within the not-so-distant future and lets them play as any NPC.
Another trailer was also revealed for Ghost Recon Breakpoint. It featured Jon Bernthal who will be one of the main characters in the game, an actor who also took the stage to talk about Breakpoint.
Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet is scheduled to be released exclusively for the Apple TV.