
League Of Legends’ Ancient Coin Build Might Be Toned Down Soon

The Ancient Coin has become quite the popular starting item for supports in League of Legends, but […]

The Ancient Coin has become quite the popular starting item for supports in League of Legends, but its dominance in the bottom lane means that it might soon be receiving some changes that’ll bring it back in line with Spellthief’s Edge.

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While Spellthief’s Edge was the support item of choice for AP champions who could continually dish out poke on their enemies, many players have shifted to using the Ancient Coin instead because of its benefits. With the passive gold and mana coins that drop occasionally for supports to pick up, tons of gold is able to be gained with very minimal risk on the support’s end, specifically for champions like Janna and Soraka. All you have to do is take a few steps towards the dropped coins to pick them up, giving you a steady income and the safety to spam your abilities more freely.

According to Riot Meddler, when it comes to the support items, the first step is changing some of Coin’s power instead of looking at Spellthief’s just yet.

“First step is to pull Coin back,” said Meddler. “It wasn’t long ago that the attitude was Coin was terrible and should never be taken versus Spellthief’s, so don’t want to just keep power creeping both of them.”

Meddler defended the item later in the comments when someone suggested that it might simply be a poor design choice to allow such passive gains, insisting that it definitely has its place in the game, especially now compared to when the quest rewards were first introduced.

“I actually think the coin collection’s a pretty decent foundation for a style of gameplay in lane,” said Meddler. “Again, it wasn’t long ago that conventional wisdom was that picking up coins was too difficult, suicidal even against most lanes, whether it got your burst down or chipped every time you did so. Looks like something that’s probably tuneable rather than only ‘impossible to collect’ or ‘reward for doing nothing.’”

Some minor nerfs already exist on the PBE that change the item’s mana coin restore amount to 10 percent instead of the current 15 percent, but more changes are pretty likely to come soon.