
How League of Legends Players Can Earn Way More Blue Essence Before Preseason

League of Legends will soon convert IP into Blue Essence during the upcoming preseason, but before […]

League of Legends will soon convert IP into Blue Essence during the upcoming preseason, but before that happens, there’s a way that players can act now to get the most Blue Essence they possibly can.

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Since Blue Essence is going to be the new currency used to buy everything that’s currently available for IP, players are going to need a lot more of the currency to make all their purchases. When the transition into using solely Blue Essence happens, players’ current Blue Essence pools will be multiplied by 6.5 their amount. Taking this new information in, one player crunched the numbers and figured out a trick to get much more Blue Essence out of the conversion, and it involves buying a lot of mystery champion shards.

Over on Reddit, the user tmMetronome shared their findings with the League community while providing proof through a spreadsheet.

“The average expected blue essence of a hex-tech mystery champion shard (1700 IP) after conversion is 1843 blue essence,” tmMetronome said, citing a spreadsheet that they created that can be found here. “Therefore buy all the champ shards you can and disenchant them!”

And that number above is just the average Blue Essence that can be earned through buying up mystery champion shards and converting the champion into Blue Essence. For the most expensive champions, you’ll earn 235 Blue Essence for converting them instead of crafting the champion shard. Once that’s multiplied in the preseason, you’ll end up with 2112.5 Blue Essence, a gain of over 400 from the original 1700 IP that you invested in the champion shard.

There is a risk to the method, though, as any champion that currently costs 1350 IP or less will actually give you less Blue Essence later on. But with three other tiers of champions to hopefully receive, there’s a good chance that you’ll end up with more Blue Essence in the preseason.

Riot Cactopus even weighed in on the Reddit thread and confirmed that the trick works, and they apparently have no plans to remove it.

“Depending on which champs you get from the shards, you could get more or less back, but on average it’s gonna be about an 8% gain,” Cactopus wrote. “If this were real money and somebody told me about an index fund that gets 8% gains over a two-month period, I’d dump everything I had in it. So I guess what I’m saying is GET THEM MYSTERY SHARDS, BOYS. BUY BUY BUY.”

IP will be converted to Blue Essence in November, so players have plenty of time to build their Blue Essence pool now to get as much as they can later on.