League of Legends Removes Fighter Changes From Patch 8.12

The fighter changes that included new items and were scheduled to ship in League of Legends’ [...]

League of Legends Irelia Rework
(Photo: Riot Games)

The fighter changes that included new items and were scheduled to ship in League of Legends' next patch have now been cancelled, an announcement from Riot Games confirmed.

Patch 8.12 was expected to bring back new-and-improved items from before as well as brand new items with the release of items like Atma's Reckoning and Spear of Shojin. Changes for existing items such as the Hydra variations and Sterak's Gage were also planned for the patch, but according to League of Legends game systems designer Riot Lowbo, those changes and others planned for fighters are no longer coming save for the Sterak's Gage tweaks.

Fighters and bruisers have become especially strong recently in League with many games featuring less traditional picks like taking Mordekaiser, Irelia, and others into the bot lane in favor of traditional ADCs, so it shouldn't be too surprising that these changes have been postponed if you've seen any of that action in your games.

Both Atma's Reckoning and Spear of Shojin would've been superb items for champions who like to stay in fights for extended amounts of time. Riot Games shared versions of the items in the past prior to releasing them on the PBE with the most recent versions of the items detailed below (courtesy of Surrender@20) to show what they would've done had they been added.

Atma's Reckoning

  • Recipe: [Aegis of the Legion + Pickaxe + 925g]
  • Total Cost: 2900g
  • +25 Attack Damage
  • +30 Armor
  • +30 Magic Resist
  • UNIQUE Passive: For each second in combat with enemy champions, turrets, or epic monsters, gain Attack Damage equal to 0.5% of maximum health, up to 2.5%.

Spear of Shojin

  • Recipe: [B. F. Sword + Kindlegem + 800g]
  • Total Cost: 2900g
  • +60 Attack Damage
  • +200 Health
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction
  • UNIQUE Passive: Reduce damage from champion attacks and abilities by 20 plus 10% of bonus attack damage (maximum 70).
  • UNIQUE Passive: When near at least 3 enemy champions, attack to gain Dragon Heart (90s cooldown).
  • Dragon Heart: Block 200% more damage for 6s, refreshing on takedown.

Riot Lowbo also confirmed on Twitter that the fighter changes can be considered iceboxed for now while adding in another tweet that there's currently no ETA for when these changes again. He added that there's a chance they bring them back, though they certainly won't be shipping in Patch 8.12 with the rest of the game's balance changes.