
League of Legends Launches Pool Party Event With New Trailer

League of Legends’ yearly Pool Party event has not begun with Riot Games unveiling a new trailer […]

League of Legends’ yearly Pool Party event has not begun with Riot Games unveiling a new trailer to kick things off.

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The Pool Party event began on Thursday with skins, missions, loot, and more added to League. Riot Games has three new Pool Party skins for 2018 – one each for Gangplank, Zoe, and Caitlyn – along with a whole set of chromas for each cosmetic to further customize their looks.

For the existing Pool Party skins that were sold previously, you’ll find chromas for them once again on sale be it though the individual chromas or bundles that come with the skin, chromas, and the champion if you still need it. Each of the new skins are available for 1350 RP apiece with the chroma bundles costing various RP amounts depending on the skin and how many chromas there are.

There’s a new type of Orb in the in-client store as well called Position Orbs. These cost 295 RP each with there being five of them, one for each of position. In these orbs are random skin shards for a champ that fits within that position as well as a chance to obtain a Gemstone, a Gemstone skin, or a Crab Bag. Since champions can sometimes fit into different positions, Riot included a list of what champ fits into what Position Orb for the loot’s purposes so that you’ll know what to expect from each Orb.

The Crab Bags, if you’re lucky enough to find one in the Orbs, contain six different skin shards, one for each role. These can’t be bought from the store and are only available as drops from the Position Orbs, so you won’t be finding one unless you’re already buying the Orbs.

If there’s nothing at all in the store that you’re considering buying, you can still complete all of the missions that are enabled throughout the Pool Party event. There are nine in total with either/or challenges on all of them except for one titled “The Ultimate Pool Party” that tasks you with winning two games of One for All. The rotating game mode is enabled for the duration of the event which ends on August 13, the same day that all the loot and bundles will disappear from the store. These missions yield a mix of Blue Essence, experience, ward skins, champion skins, icons, and emotes, some of the rewards fixed and some random.

The Pool Party event is going on now and ends at the end of the day on August 13.