With the Tank class update and Warwick’s and Galio’s champion updates now in the past, players are looking ahead to what champions might be next as far as visual and gameplay updates are concerned. Urgot and Evelyn are next up on the update schedule in that order, and past that, there are a couple of additional champions that will be worked on in the future, some of which are more Juggernauts and some that are Assassins.
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In a discussion that was posted on the League of Legends boards that hoped to discuss Riot Games‘ choosing of certain champs for updates over others, League’s lead champion producer Reav3 replied to a couple of comments to clarify what kinds of updates players could expect in the future. A full list of what champions are definitely getting updates can be found in the update schedule, but there’s currently only Urgot and Eve listed now. However, the comments from Reav3 indicate that some champs like Akali and Volibear are definitely being considered for updates.
“Voli definitely needs a full VGU,” Reav3 replied when asked if Volibear should be receiving a purely visual update rather than a gameplay one. “His art/theme needs a lot of work.”
He went on to say that Akali was also on the list for updates, saying that The Fist of Shadow was actually pretty high up on the list. He said that she was more in line for a modernization update similar to the one that Warwick received and said that her theme was “very solid, she just needs to be re-built of the modern age.”
Mundo also made the list, but his projected rework would be more on the scale of a Sion or Galio update as opposed to the modernization that’s being suggested for Akali. It might take a minute to get to him though, because Reav3 also said in his discussions that the team is hoping to take a break from Zaun-themed champions after they’re done with Urgot.
Keeping in line with the big updates, Reav3 gave a longer list of champs that he thinks need serious work. He warned that this was purely off the top of his head, but some of the suggestions, namely Swain, are ones that players have been asking about in the past.
“Keep in mind this is just my gut feelings and things could change when we actually work on these champions,” Reav3 said. “Champions I feel need massive overhauls would be champions like Nunu, Skarner, Swain, Mordekaiser, Mundo, Cho’Gath, Tryndamere to name a few.”
For now, many players are just looking forward to seeing what becomes of Urgot after he emerges from his long-awaited rework. But after that, this conversation from Reav3 gives players something more to look forward to in terms of updates.