A new Marvel’s Avengers cosmetic was confirmed this week with the reveal of another skin which once again takes inspiration from the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. The skin is for Captain America himself, and it looks to recreate the hero’s look from the Avengers: Infinity War movie. It’s scheduled to arrive in the marketplace on September 30th where it’ll be available alongside Captain America’s plentiful cosmetic options that have been added previously.
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The new cosmetic can be seen below featuring a more rugged version of Captain America compared to the ones that we usually see in the game. Most notably, this skin stands out from the others by showing an unmasked version of the hero. Other Marvel’s Avengers skins for him, by comparison, pretty much always show the hero wearing one of his traditional masks or at least some sort of face covering.
If this skin looks familiar to Marvel’s Avengers players outside of the Infinity War movie alone even though it hasn’t been released in the marketplace yet, that’s probably because you’ve seen it before in a different way. A marketplace email for the game was sent out recently that included an image of the new skin, though the cosmetic hadn’t officially been revealed yet. Considering how this skin was revealed as most of them typically are, it appears that early reveal in the marketing blast could indeed be considered a leak of the skin.
Leaked or not, the new skin’s set to arrive in the marketplace soon. A price for it hasn’t been confirmed, but don’t expect it to come cheap considering how it’s an MCU skin.
Marvel’s Avengers has hosted plenty of those types of movie-inspired skins even before this one was announced. For every Marvel character that’s playable in the game, we’ve seen them get MCU skins from different appearances throughout the Marvel franchise. Black Panther is the most recently released hero who’s already gotten some, and whenever Spider-Man eventually launches for PlayStation players, it’s to be expected that he’ll get a number of different MCU cosmetics himself.
While those on the PlayStation consoles will get Spider-Man, Xbox players are getting a new way to play Marvel’s Avengers overall. That’s because the game is scheduled to come to Xbox Game Pass soon with all nine heroes set to be playable.