
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Release Window Seemingly Revealed


It looks like the 2023 release window for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has been narrowed down just a bit. First announced by PlayStation and Insomniac Games last year, the highly-anticipated sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man was confirmed to launch in 2023. Since that time, PlayStation has been incredibly silent about Spider-Man 2 and hasn’t said a peep about the game over the course of 2022. And while it seems like that silence could soon be coming to an end, one writer working on the sequel may have given us some new information ahead of a formal announcement.ย 

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As seen on the personal website for Jamie Mayer, who is a writer working on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the upcoming follow-up entry is slated to arrive on PlayStation 5 in Fall 2023. While many fans naturally assumed that Spider-Man 2 wouldn’t launch until the back half of next year, this statement from Mayer seems to confirm as much. It’s worth noting that after fans discovered this new release window for the game, Mayer ended up scrubbing this “Fall” window from her website. Still, screengrabs (which you can see in the tweet below) still verify that this launch window was once present on the page.ย

It’s worth noting that both of the previous entries in the Marvel’s Spider-Man series happened to launch within this same window in previous years. Back in 2018, the original Marvel’s Spider-Man came to PS4 in September and was later followed by the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales in November 2020. As such, Insomniac Games and PlayStation have shown in the past that they have the propensity to release titles in the series within this Fall window. Whether or not this will continue to be true with Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 remains to be seen, but it seems like a good bet.ย 

When do you believe that we’ll end up seeing more of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in action? And do you think that this Fall 2023 window will end up being accurate? Let me know either down in the comments or shoot me a message on Twitter at @MooreMan12.