WATCH: 'Marvel's Spider-Man' Player Escapes Playable Area Into Other Boroughs

Marvel's Spider-Man features a pretty big open-world to swing around and fight crime in. But, it [...]

spider-man ps4 playable
(Photo: Reddit)

Marvel's Spider-Man features a pretty big open-world to swing around and fight crime in. But, it is, unfortunately limited to just Manhattan. Or in other words, the other four boroughs -- Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx -- are all unreachable. Well, normally.

One player somehow broke through the game's invisible walls and swung their way to one of the game's unplayable and texture-less other boroughs, and the result is pretty interesting, if not a little uncanny.

The game let me out of the playable area for no reason from r/SpidermanPS4

It's unclear what borough this is, but it really doesn't matter because without any art assets, environmental design, or textures, it doesn't look like much. What is there, is simply environmental dressing so that when you look over while atop the Avengers Tower in Manhattan, there looks like something is over there. And from a distance, it looks normal and passable, but up-close, less so.

Some players hope that one of the game's three pieces of DLC will open up these other boroughs, even if it is just one. If DLC doesn't do it, hopefully future releases will, perhaps courtesy of more powerful consoles.

For now, all we can hope for is our own chance to break the game and explore these ghost-town boroughs. Rumor has it, this is where the game's infamous Boat People live.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available, exclusively, for the PlayStation 4. For more news, media, information on the game and all things Spidey, be sure to check out our previous coverage of both by clicking here. And if you haven't already, peep our official review of the game and find out our thoughts on the PlayStation 4 exclusive. Spoilers: we think it is amazing.

And as always, hit the comments section and let us know your thoughts. Do you think Insomniac Games will open a bridge to another borough with the release of any DLC? Which borough would you like to explore? I personally would love to explore New York City's forgotten borough: Staten Island. I've seen enough of the rest of NYC in other video games and media, but not Staten Island.