Max Payne Remakes Reach Important Development Milestone at Remedy

Remedy is ready to begin full production on its remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2.

Developer Remedy Entertainment has provided a new update for its upcoming remakes of Max Payne and Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. A little more than a year ago, Remedy announced that it was partnering with Rockstar Games to recreate the first two Max Payne entries that launched in the early 2000s. Since that time, Remedy has continued to provide frequent updates about the status of this endeavor, with previous updates suggesting that the remakes might still be far off. Now, in the wake (pun intended) of Alan Wake 2 releasing, it sounds like these Max Payne remakes will be Remedy's next big focus. 

In a new message to investors, Remedy today shared that it's ready to begin production on Max Payne 1&2 Remake. Previously, this project was only in the pre-production stage which means that developers at the company were merely planning out its scope and finer details. Now, for production to be kicking off, it means that these remakes will start to come into shape and will begin to grow closer to actually releasing. 

"Max Payne 1&2 Remake progressed into the production readiness stage. We have gained clarity on the style and scope of the game, and we have an exceptionally well-organized team working on it," said Remedy's CEO Tero Virtala of where the project is currently. "With these accomplishments, we are excited about the project and its future success. [...] Now that Alan Wake 2 has been launched, the sight is set on advancing our other game projects. All these four projects will benefit from the additional talent transferring from Alan Wake 2 as it will enable the teams to take the necessary steps towards the next stages of development."

Outside of working on Max Payne 1&2 Remake, Remedy has also made clear that it's working on Control 2, which is a sequel to its 2019 action title. For now, Control 2 remains in the "proof-of-concept stage," which means that it's still quite far away from launch. As such, with Alan Wake 2 having now arrived, it seems as though Max Payne 1&2 Remake will end up being the next game that Remedy releases. For the time being, though, these new iterations of the first two Max Payne installments remain without a release window of any sort. As for Alan Wake 2, Remedy is also working on two DLC expansions that will arrive in 2024.