Here’s Who Could Be Developing Microsoft’s Next Fable Game

A few days ago, we reported on some possible new projects for Xbox One, including a new Forza [...]

Fable III

A few days ago, we reported on some possible new projects for Xbox One, including a new Forza Horizon (very likely since the last one came out in 2016), a new third-person Perfect Dark, and, most importantly, a new chapter in the Fable franchise. Per our report, it sounded like a new developer was going to take the helm of the long-running Lionhead Studios franchise, but it wasn't quite confirmed who it was.

Today, though, we've gotten some new information on who could possibly be taking over development. A former Lionhead employee previously tweeted (and then deleted) that "having no inside information, I totally know who's building Fable 4 now. Interesting choice…"

Some people saw the tweet and began asking questions, wondering if the studio was based in Brighton, England. He noted, "there's nobody here in Brighton that could take on a task of that magnitude."

Speculation began to run wild as to which studio could possibly handle the Fable franchise, and one that wasn't based in Brighton was Playground Games, who previously worked on the Forza Horizon franchise. It's been noted in the past that the team was hard at work on a new role-playing adventure. Could this be it?

The team wouldn't confirm, and with Forza Horizon 4 on the way, there's a slight possibility that it may not be involved, because it would be busy with that project as well. But it'd be an interesting new approach to a franchise that's been worked on by Lionhead for so long.

There have been job postings for its RPG project, however, including one for a senior game designer, in which they'd "join the team and the project at an early stage, giving you the rare opportunity to shape the future of an exciting, large-scale open world action/RPG AAA title from the outset." Fable is definitely a AAA franchise, so the possibility is definitely there.

So when will we hear something from the Fable front? More than likely, Microsoft could make an announcement as soon as its E3 press conference in a few months, where it's expected to lay out its entire 2018 line-up, and maybe even some stuff for 2019. Fingers crossed that we hear something soon.